As a grandmother, I look at my son and his daughter and know there is a future for both that I cannot see or understand yet. There are many unknowns in the world that can make us fearful as our children grow up: How will social media pressure make my child feel? How will my child get along with others at school? How can I protect my child from getting hurt? No matter what your age, these worries do not go away. Yet we must trust in God, his plan and his timing, even when it includes things we might not understand.
Sure, we do understand a lot. We understand what we love about our child and what makes him special. We understand when our child makes us laugh, when our child surprises us, and when our child makes us proud. Just as it's written in Luke 2:19, But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in here heart, we cherish these small moments even though we don't fully see the big picture - God's perfect plan for our child - yet.
I want my granddaughter to look back and know how I feel about her and my faith. I want her to know God is always with her and working through her as the events of her life unfold, especially in times hen she's feeling unsure or doubtful.

I have set aside a notebook that I will give to my granddaughter when she can read. It is called, "Adventures with Nana" and it has special photos and love notes that I write to her. I wouldn't remember all the special times if I didn't keep notes and write down the details - treasuring all the daily moments and pondering them in my heart. Together, we'll be able to reminisce about God's past faithfulness as we look back at all the little miracles of the day to day, and be grateful for all he has done.
Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced. Chronicles 16:12
Remembering where we have been, what we have accomplished - both planned and unexpected - and sharing our deep trust in God to guide us, gives me more confidence in an uncertain future.