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  • Pastor Joy Brown

Easter Sunday Reflections

"Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen."

- Matthew 28:5-6

What an amazing miracle! Jesus defeated death just like he said he would! He proved that he is powerful and trustworthy and amazing! The resurrection changes EVERYTHING! It removes any doubt that Jesus was simply just a "good man". Since Jesus rose from the dead, it proves that he really was the Son of God! The Messiah! The sinless, spotless Lamb of God who willingly laid down his life as a sacrifice on our behalf!

Today, celebrate this amazing miracle with your family as you are in your homes! Take time to really listen to the story of God's rescue plan!

Gather your family or find a quiet spot and read the resurrection account in all four Gospels. Each one captures the beauty and power of the resurrection in a slightly different light. Reading all of them paints a beautiful and complete picture! With your children you could even try acting out the stories! Take turns being the angel and women who found the empty tomb and the disciples who raced to see for themselves what had happened!

Read: Mathew 28: 1-20, Mark 16: 2-20, Luke 24: 1-49, John 20: 1-31.

It is amazing to me how Jesus met everyone right where they were. In their fear, in their grief, in their confusion, and in their pain. As soon Jesus appeared and people recognized him, their sorrow and pain and confusion turned to pure joy!

Take time today to celebrate this miracle! Allow God to turn your pain, your sorrow, your confusion, your grief, and your fear into joy and hope and peace and new life! The resurrection will change us too, if we let it!

With your family, find creative ways to celebrate! Here are a few ideas:

- Go on a Resurrection Egg Hunt to retell the story of Jesus! Don't have plastic eggs? Try painting rocks with the different symbols or simply use plastic bags to hold the items and hide those. Make it work with what you have! (Google this or search Pinterest if you're not sure what this is!)

- Paint a stained glass window on one of your windows! Use painter's tape to mark off the "pains" of glass and use washable paint or even dry erase markers to create your masterpiece!

- Go for a family walk and search for God's beauty and new life! Look for flowers, butterflies, birds and other signs of spring!

- Play your favorite game and enjoy laughing and playing together! Thank God for all he has done for you!

- Cook a special meal! Just look in your cupboards and get creative! Thank God for providing all that we need every day!

- Turn on some Easter celebration music and have a dance party praising God!

Whatever you do, do it with joy in your heart! Jesus has overcome the grave and offers us life and love and peace and HOPE!

He is RISEN!

Songs to aid your worship:

- Christ the Lord

- Celebrate, Jesus, Celebrate!

- Christ the Lord is Risen Today

- Living Hope

- Raise a Hallelujah!


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