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Good Friday Reflections

Pastor Joy Brown

This Easter is different than any we have experienced before. I encourage you to embrace the differences and allow God to use this time to work in your life. Gather your family or your household or find a quite spot to meet with God on your own. Pray and ask God to speak to you during this time.

As a family, read Matthew 27: 11-61.

Jesus was willing to go to the cross for us. He was without flaw or fault. Even the Roman governor, Pilot, could not find fault with him and called Jesus an “innocent man” (vs. 24). Yet, our world is full of sin and sin separates us from God. A sacrifice had to be made to atone for all of the sin and evil in the world. Without this atonement, we would never be able to be near to God. Jesus was willing to participate in God’s master plan to rescue the world by sacrificing his own life to atone for our wrongdoings. His perfect and sinless blood was shed once and for all to cleanse the world.

Today, let’s remember his sacrifice.

With your family, take some time to construct a representation of the cross. Find some scrap wood in the garage or shed and lay it out like a cross. Or perhaps you can find two sticks in your yard. Take some nails or twine or yarn or wire…anything you have…and fasten the two sticks together to form the shape of a cross.

Then, find some scrap paper or post-it notes and examine your heart. Do you have sin in your life? Jesus has already paid the price for that sin, but we have to accept his gift and allow his blood that was shed on that cross to cleanse us. Take some time and write on the paper anything you want to confess to Jesus today. Talk with your children and help them think of things they should ask God to forgive them for. There is nothing too large and nothing too small to surrender to the power of Jesus’ blood. He cares for you and invites you to meet him at the cross today.

As you finish your reflection, take your papers and nail them to the cross. Find some nails left over from a project or push pins…even staples. Anything will work to fasten these sins to the cross. As you do this, picture Jesus as he took your sin upon himself and allowed himself to be nailed to the cross. He did this for you and for me out of deep love. Ask Jesus to forgive you now and to wash you clean.

Spend time thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. Thank Jesus for being willing to pay the price for your sin. Accept God’s gift of mercy and forgiveness today. Leave this moment knowing that you have been washed clean. Worship the Lord and continue to reflect upon his loving grace today!

Songs to aid your worship:

- At the Cross (Love Ran Red)

- Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)

- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

- Old Rugged Cross


(330) 833-9650

8650 Beatty St NW, Massillon, OH 44646, USA

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