Are You in Control?

We as humans like to be in control of aspects of our life: our finances, our job, our comings and goings, our spouse, our children… and the list goes on and on. We have come to accept that we can’t control some things, such as the weather.
Perhaps we need times such as these to remind us that, in reality, none of those things are within our control.
One such time for me, and the most profound time for me, was when I had to watch as my husband, my most treasured “possession” in this life, was rolled away from me into the surgical operating room. I was not permitted. I went back to the waiting room and poured my heart out to God. The wait seemed an eternity. It was not my husband that I saw return through the waiting room doors, but the doctor who told me, “It does not look good.” It was cancer. Never had I felt such overwhelming helplessness. That word seemed as if a death sentence had been proclaimed on my husband’s life. The following years were a journey that magnified the truth that nothing was within my ability to control. I became immensely grateful that the One who was over all, loved my husband more than I did.
But, so unlike us, the One does not force his way or manipulate others. It is that very fact, that proves His strength and love. Even though He is almighty and all-powerful, he does not oppress us with His control, but He does reign Sovereign over all.
What does that mean?
It means that in this fallen world, things like COVID-19 happen.
Be assured – when such as this occurs in this fallen world, the One, our Father, cares deeply when He sees the panic, the fear, the suffering, the death. And when these things happen, He will work to bring good out of them. It’s a promise.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28
Back to my profound realization that nothing is within my control. I discovered that there was only one thing within my control – my response. I could choose to be angry at God or I could choose to run to the only One who could work all things together for good because my husband loves Him and because I love Him. I wanted good. I NEEDED good. My choice was to RUN to the One who could bring good; the only One with ultimate power over death’s grip and the grave!
And my husband? Thank the GOOD ONE, my husband is healed – a miraculous story of God’s mercy – to my husband… and even more so to me. What the enemy meant to steal, kill, and destroy, The Holy One turned to good!
Do you love Him? Are you running to Him?
“I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Death wrapped its ropes around [my husband]; the terrors of the grave overtook me. I saw only trouble and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord: “Please, Lord, save [my husband and by doing so, save] me!” How kind the Lord is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!” Psalm 116:1-5