Permission To Persue Your Passion

The alarm goes off. Whether it is your toddler demanding Cheerios or your clock signaling the start to a new day, your to-do list rolls in your head like the credits after a movie. You try to remember the list
scrolling in your head as you throw off the covers, never looking back. It ends up being a full day, although you've accomplished a lot and even managed to fit in a great visit to the park with the kids; something seems to be missing as you try to settle in for the night.
Passion. You might just be missing passion. Because we are more than our to-do list. The dissatisfaction that sometimes crops up reminds me that I am more than what I accomplish each day. Stop for a moment and imagine if life was only about checking off the list. Consider if the passion inside of you wasn't invited to participate in your life as a mom. I can't even fathom what the world would be missing.
The world needs impassioned moms to lead passionate lives.
Imagine if sometimes your list was trumped by time spent planning a non-profit to help the underserved, leading a Bible study, going back to school, homeschooling your children or inviting neighbors over for coffee. What if? We will never know if we don't pursue the passions God placed in us. We have to give ourselves permission to pursue that which God has put within our hearts, whatever that looks like in this stage of mothering.
In Luke 10:38-42, there is a story about two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was busy preparing her home and mentioned to Jesus that Mary should be helping her instead of sitting and listening to him. Jesus said, Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.
Jesus gave Mary permission to choose her passion - sitting at his feet to learn. There are many things that we can put our hands and minds to, but not all are important and only a few are needed. There's a lot to do. I get it. (You should see the mess in my living room right now.) However, remember the things that we are passionate about pour back into our own lives, the lives of our families and our communities. When we pursue a relationship with God and pursue that which fulfills our hearts, we are changed and so is the world around us.
Need permission? Here is is. Put your name in the blanks: __________, _________, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed. Choose to pray big and let passion, instead of your to-do list, guide your days.