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Pastor Galen Oakes II

Where is Your Hope?

Most often when we hear the word ‘hope’ used in a sentence it is something like, “Gee, I hope it doesn’t rain today,” or “I hope I can find a good parking space at the mall.” It is really nothing more than a random wish on a whim. This is not what the word hope means as we find it in the Bible.

Throughout scripture, hope is defined as a pleasant, confident expectation based on the flawless character of God. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that we can have “confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.” But this is only the case when our hope is placed in the One who always keeps His promise. You see, OUR HOPE IS NO BETTER THAN THE OBJECT IN WHICH IT IS PLACED. If my hope is placed in a person or thing which is faulty, then I am likely to be disappointed. But if I choose, by faith, to put my hope in the God who has proved Himself faithful through ages past, then I can live in confident hope. That is Biblical hope.

The apostle Paul stated in Romans chapter 5, that those of us who have believed on Christ as Savior now live every day in a place of undeserved privilege where “we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.” And, he adds, “this hope will not lead to disappointment!” So, the question is not, do you have hope, but where have you placed your hope?

One of my favorite hymns says it well: “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.” And why? Because “all other ground is sinking sand.” (On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand)

Place your hope fully upon Christ and live each day in pleasant, confident expectation that God’s goodness and glory is coming your way!


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