God Friended Me

“God Friended Me” is a new TV series for fall 2018. Perhaps you’ve seen it already?
The storyline involves “God” communicating with a person and arranging circumstances and conversations that direct the lead character’s path and alters and impacts the lives of others as well. It is based on the Facebook encounter where we become “friends” with others through social media and carry on a relationship via that media.
The idea of God reaching out to mankind is really not a novel idea. It’s as old as the Garden of Eden. Pristine man and woman talked with God on a daily basis in a perfect environment no less! Oh what it must have been like to walk and talk with God in the cool of the day- -every day-- amidst the beauty and wonder of that spectacular place.
What did God say to you today? No, I mean really! Did you hear the voice of God today? Not yesterday, or last week, or last decade—Today? Did you talk with God today and did you hear His voice?
Our culture addresses the concept of conversing with a divine being as an idea made-for-TV at best and bordering on neurosis at its worst. But—God’s original intent was that it be an every day event where He speaks and we listen, then, we speak and God listens; nothing complex about that at all.
Down through the ages Christ-followers in every generation have experienced the relationship and conversation that Adam and Eve shared with Deity in the garden. Today, God continues to speak through nature, His written Word, His Spirit, other Christ-followers, and circumstances (the latter just like in the TV series –well, maybe not exactly like the TV series! ). In fact, Scripture points out that He is continually speaking (Psalm 19 is just one location you can check out) .
Is your spiritual antennae raised and properly poised to pick up the Divine frequency? Are you reciprocating by speaking to Him as well through prayer and other spiritual disciplines? Is your own relationship with the God who talked with Adam and Eve at the level you could say: “God Friended Me” too? Something to think about!